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The Chimes is an independent magazine financed by advertisements and donations, published monthly (other than in August & January), with a circulation of 1,500. Published and delivered free of charge to every household & key venues (pubs & village halls) in the villages that we serve.

The Chimes distributes in South Herefordshire to the villages and hamlets of Aston Crews, Aston Ingham*, Bromsash, Gorsley*, Kilcot, Lea*, Linton*, Phocle Green, and Upton Bishop*, together with their surrounding areas.

News for inclusion in the magazine is gathered by a team of Sub Editors, based in the five main villages*. Each month, one of our four Editors produces the magazine using this news. We welcome all items of news and local interest.

The ethos of the Chimes is to be recognised as the provider to our readers, of news and information by our villagers, about our villages. “A local magazine for local people”!


Copy is only accepted by email.

Photographs, Advertisements, & Posters, should be in jpeg format. 

The deadline for advertising copy & posters is 1st Day of the month prior to publication.
Each village has a Sub-Editor to collate all copy from their village.


The deadline for submitting copy to your Village Sub Editor is the Saturday of the first week of each month, prior to publication, and is confirmed on the front cover of this magazine. If in doubt consult your Sub Editor by phone or email – for more details see the contact us page

PHOTOGRAPHS are very welcome to illustrate news reports. Photos for the magazine should have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi; 

Copy of a more general nature, including correspondence & Combined Village Events, should be submitted directly to the Editors at their email address, for more details see the contact us page


The views expressed in THE CHIMES are those of individual contributors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Editors or the Editorial Team. The Editors reserve the right not to publish any item or to amend the content of any item.

The Editorial team welcome all comment and feedback on any aspect of our magazine or website. The email address for all Editors is

Feedback - We would love your input - The Chimes Website Manager would be very interested in any feedback you have about the site. Please email comments to the Contact the Website Manager

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