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If you have any special news, events or ideas about what you would like to see in the Gorsley section of the magazine, please get in touch!
Our committee meetings take place on the first Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm. We always welcome new people to help us put on a programme of activities to involve the village and to raise money for the hall’s maintenance. 100 Club winners for November are: Don McKenzie - £25.00; Dorothy Hillier - £10.00; and Sue Bailey - £5.00
For more information please contact:
Hall Secretary, Anne Course
Hall Bookings Secretary, Margaret Evans: 

Detail on PDF copy on home page 
This Autumn we have noticed that our shop is very dependent on the weather and with the last couple of months being so wet, we have had fewer customers through the door. Please help us by telling your friends and family that we are open; that we have free parking, a friendly team of volunteers and a good range of products; and we ask for your continued support throughout the winter months. 
If you’ve been in the shop lately, you will have noticed that we have some exciting Christmas products on offer, including our well stocked Christmas Hampers. We make these hampers to order, so please call in to order yours as early as possible. We are also taking Christmas orders for bacon, sausages, sausage meat etc. to be delivered by our butcher John Pritchard just before Christmas. Please ask for details. 
The Post Office staff are ready to help you with all your Christmas mailings and can advise you on the best way to send your packages. We sell One for All gift cards, redeemable in many outlets and online; and don’t forget that we are your local bank for cash or cheque deposits and cash withdrawals. 
The last posting date for 2nd class is Wednesday 18th December so remember to get your cards in the post before then. 
Christmas Closures - The shop and Post Office Counter will be closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and Friday 27th December. The shop will be open from 9 am–11 am on Wednesday 1st January 2025. There will be no PO counter this day. All other days over the Christmas period will be normal hours. 
The directors, staff and volunteers wish you all ‘A Very Happy Christmas’ and look forward to seeing you in the shop again soon.

Bingo is held at Gorsley Village Hall on every 4th Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm. The cost is £5 for 6 games with a break halfway through.

For the first time in its history Newent & District Probus Club has a centenarian among its members and to mark the occasion, Chairman Fraser Gunn welcomed Geoff Thomas who kindly agreed to give a presentation on “One hundred years of change”.
Geoff entertained members with his tales of growing up both pre-war and in the 2nd World War and what life was like without the consumer goods, the foodstuffs and the technology that we enjoy and sometimes take for granted today. He emphasised how much cleaner the environment is today and how much of the drudgery has been removed from modern day living. Afterwards he and his colleagues enjoyed a selection of specially baked birthday cakes, and he was wished many more birthdays to come.
Newent Probus Club meets twice monthly at Gorsley village hall to hear talks from a variety of speakers. It hosts regular monthly pub lunches plus quizzes, skittles matches and the like.
New members are always welcomed, and details can be obtained from the club secretary Kelvin Ashby on Newent & District Probus Club (

Geoff Thomas 100 years.jpg

Christ Church Gorsley, Church Hall Trust. 
Charity for Ecclesiastical and Other Purposes.
The Trustees of the above Trust invite applications from families, individuals and organisations within the Parish of Christ Church Gorsley, who have a charitable requirement of benefit to those within the Parish, to apply for funds from the Trust. The funds are limited and the distribution will be at the sole discretion of the Trustees.
Applications should be made in writing to the Secretary of the Trust: Dr  Alan Oastler, Maxstoke, Aston Ingham, HR9 7LS.
Deadline for receipt: 31st March 2025



Please see the copy of our Christmas programme in The Chimes for details of services and events over the Christmas period.
Everyone is welcome to our Sunday morning service at 10.30am. Separate creche, children and youth activities take place at the same time, so there is something appropriate for the whole family. If you want to see if our service is to your liking, all services are also live recorded and available on YouTube. We would love to get to know you, however, and YouTube cannot go as far as serve you the coffee and conversation which takes place after the service. It would be great to see you! Detail on PDF copy on home page 
Special birthday celebration — At the end of October our church family celebrated Reverend Roy Chivers’ 90th birthday. A beautiful cake was shared afterwards and our special love and thanks go to Roy and Eileen for their decades of service to Christ Church.
Please note that our Carol Service will be on Saturday 21st December at 4 pm with mulled wine and mince pies to follow.
We are a group of people who enjoy gardens and gardening. In autumn and winter, we have talks and demonstrations from gardening experts. Visitors and new members are always very welcome. If you think you might be interested in joining our club or would just like to know a bit more about us, please call Charlotte Detail on PDF copy on home page 
Our next meeting is on Monday 20th January at 7.30 pm in Gorsley Village Hall. This is our annual Seed Swap and Quiz followed by complimentary tea/coffee and biscuits. There is an entry charge of £3 for visitors and non-members. 
Visitors are welcome, we are very informal and don’t sing Jerusalem except on special occasions. For more information, call Anne Course or Daphne Toner Detail on PDF copy on home page 
The library is located in the shed next to Gorsley Village Hall – mind your head as you go in! There is a good selection of books, DVDs, video games and jigsaws to borrow on a ‘trust-based’ system.

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